The Bible spreads the message of God's love, forgiveness, and acceptance to all who believe in Jesus Christ. In our Bible Study ministry, the Bible takes precedence!
Sunday Morning Bible Studies | 9:00am
Young Adults
Location: M 201
Teachers: Luke Clark & Isaac Perkins
Young adults 25-35 gathering together for community and Gospel advancement.
Somewhere in the Middle
Location: B 22
Teachers: Jackie Brewer & Josh Jacobs
Endeavoring to keep God first through the diligent study of God's Word and personal encouragement while being somewhere in the middle of everything else.
Connect Bible Study
Location: B 17
Teachers: Dr. Wade Humphries & Garrett Moore
Young adults 35 and older that connect with each other through Bible study, fellowship, and ministry.
All of Life
Location: B 24
Teacher: Aaron Webber
Spurring one another to honor Jesus with all of our life, for all of our life.
Location: M 203
Teacher: Don Richards
Adults in the empty nester stage (or close to it!) getting together to be a family in the Word and being a "Christian First."
The Seekers
Location: B 21
Teacher: Adam Babcock
Adults 50 and older seeking to study about and be more like King Jesus!
Location: M 205
Teachers: Tim Quigley, Ted Rabourn, & Freddy Shintz
Adults who are abiding, advancing praying and encouraging one another in their walk with the Lord!
Following the
Location: M 107
Teacher: Doug Johnson
Adults 60 and above using the Bible as a foundation for our lives and the spread of the Gospel.
Location: M 208
Teacher: Steve Hay
Adults 60 and older sharing and learning God's Word.
Young at
Location: M 103
Teacher: Charles Wimberly
Senior adults who love the Lord!
Adults 9
Location: M 105
Teacher: Jeff Hyder
Couples ages 60 and up meeting together to grow in their walk with the Lord.
Bible Study
Location: M 207
Teacher: Cathy Thompson
People of all languages meeting together to dive into God's Word.
Married Adults 4
Location: Fellowship Hall
Teacher: Clayton White
Couples of all ages meeting together with one goal: to make Him known around the world.
Rooted and Rising
Location: B 10
Teacher: Pastor Jeff Keeman
Senior adults who have rooted their lives in God's Word.
First Steps New Members Class
Location: B 12
Teacher: Lee Hale
Welcome to the church family! We believe God has a plan and a purpose for your life at FBC FWB and we are excited to see how He uses you for His Kingdom. We’d like to invite you to attend our next First Steps class. In this six week class you’ll learn about FBC and we’ll have the opportunity to learn more about you! You’ll also discover ways to get plugged into Bible Studies, D Groups, ministries, and more. Click here to get signed up!​
Young Professionals
Location: B-18
Teacher: Ralph Green & Noah Belmain
Young professionals 18-25 looking for community in Jesus.
MidWeek Bible Studies
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
Location: Fellowship Hall
Time: 6:00pm
Teacher: Dr. Wade Humphries
Everyone is welcome!
Through the Bible Study
Location: M 207
Time: Thursdays at 5:30pm
Teacher: Frank & Betsy Pratt
Everyone is welcome!
Encounter Students
Head to the Encounter Students ministry page to find Sunday morning & midweek Bible study information!
First Kids
Head to the First Kids ministry page to find Sunday morning and midweek Bible study information!
Women's Ministry
Head to the Women's Ministry page to find midweek Bible study information!
Men's Ministry
Head to the Men's Ministry page to find midweek Bible study information!